
Go-Live support as it should be.

Going live on a new system can be a massive undertaking, with thousands of hours of project management, training, integration, and collaboration.

Elbō is offering a better approach.

Go-Live support as it should be.

Going live on a new system can be a massive undertaking, with thousands of hours of project management, training, integration, and collaboration.

Elbō is offering a better approach.

Your successful Go Live partner

Thousands of hours of Go-Live support, following a broken model, drove us to find a better way.

For a combined 25 years we have been in Healthcare IT, implementing systems, and watching great project management work go to waste because the Go-Live support model is broken.

Become a go-live Specialist

The perfect side hustle opportunity for front line staff.

Front Desk staff and Medical Assistants are the backbone of a physician’s office, while also being the most underappreciated. elbō’s model provides Front Desk staff and Medical Assistants with opportunities that respect their value while increasing their side hustle income.

Practices + Providers

Get the support your team needs for a successful launch.

Experienced Specialists

Our team consists of people who have direct medical experience using your new system. They understand the pressures, priorities, and patient care needs your team faces daily.

Dependable Services

Our specialists are wholeheartedly dedicated to supporting your team. They have willingly chosen to participate out of their genuine commitment to helping you.

Quality Resources

It’s not about having an army of people in your office, but rather ensuring you have the right amount of resources with the right knowledge and experience.

Still have questions?
We're here to help.